A unique collaboration of cities (Paris, Stockholm, Vienna and Hamburg), industries and research partners, representing four different European countries (Austria, France, Germany, Sweden) aims at gathering and processing relevant information at the local-level on obstacles, success factors, logistics parameters, framework conditions and impacts of sustainable urban logistics solutions.
The ASAP (Awaken Sleeping Assets Project) approach is located at the interface between applied research and innovation and thus follows the innovation pathway. Its methodological approach is systematic, testbed-driven, and solution-oriented. Within the already existing awaken sleeping asset testbeds individual know-how and data is available, but there is a lack of evaluation results and a lack of standardization and little concern for transferability. Thus, valuable information is missing, or the information is not very helpful for interested cities.
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ASAP will create testbeds that activate underused, “sleeping” assets. ...building-up a network of “follower” cities! |
Project Lead:
Assoc. Prof. Mag. Dr. Patrick Hirsch
Project Management:
Dr. Susanne Wrighton
Project Lead:
Assoc. Prof. Mag. Dr. Patrick Hirsch
Project Management:
Dr. Susanne Wrighton