Düsseldorf | Micro Hub
Integration of parcel lockers in city-logistics solution: incharge likes to integrate public, white-label parcel lockers into the existing system, to be able to improve the existing solution.
Innovation and relevance within ASAP: White-label parcel lockers to be integrated into the concept for 1. Public spaces 2. Companies 3. Real estate:
· Aim: time-independent delivery & high delivery rate at the same time
· Reduction of 2nd attempt delivery traffic
· Reduction of individual traffic to pick up parcel
· Reduction of delivery traffic of several parcel logistics companies through consolidation and one stop per day delivery
Innovation and relevance within ASAP: White-label parcel lockers to be integrated into the concept for 1. Public spaces 2. Companies 3. Real estate:
· Aim: time-independent delivery & high delivery rate at the same time
· Reduction of 2nd attempt delivery traffic
· Reduction of individual traffic to pick up parcel
· Reduction of delivery traffic of several parcel logistics companies through consolidation and one stop per day delivery
Paris | River Logistics
River-based logistics hubs / barges and cargo bikes: Fludis operates two barges in the city centre of Paris that serve as mobile logistics hubs for last-mile deliveries with cargo bikes.
Innovation and relevance within ASAP: Need to measure the impact that the use of these 2 barges generates on traffic flows and therefore on the environment. The goal is to generate savings of one million van kilometers per year. The ASAP project will allow us to compare the situation ex-ante and ex post. Read more: Paris | River Logistics
Innovation and relevance within ASAP: Need to measure the impact that the use of these 2 barges generates on traffic flows and therefore on the environment. The goal is to generate savings of one million van kilometers per year. The ASAP project will allow us to compare the situation ex-ante and ex post. Read more: Paris | River Logistics
Versailles | Connected Parking
Connected Parking Places: Versailles city some parking places are equipped with IoT sensor to monitor the utilization and occupation.
Innovation and relevance within ASAP: The parking places connected by IoT could be more effectively and efficiently used for freight delivery or transhipment, to avoid problems of congestion caused by double-parking, illegal occupation, etc.
Innovation and relevance within ASAP: The parking places connected by IoT could be more effectively and efficiently used for freight delivery or transhipment, to avoid problems of congestion caused by double-parking, illegal occupation, etc.
Hamburg | Box
Hamburg Box: Hamburg has realized 20 white-label parcel boxes
Innovation and relevance within ASAP: The pick-up-point strategy will be used to reduce delivery traffic. Also, the cooperation between CEP which leads to less individual transportation traffic, is facilitated. The user acceptance of this new system will be tested. Read more: Hamburg | Hamburg Box
Innovation and relevance within ASAP: The pick-up-point strategy will be used to reduce delivery traffic. Also, the cooperation between CEP which leads to less individual transportation traffic, is facilitated. The user acceptance of this new system will be tested. Read more: Hamburg | Hamburg Box
Hamburg | Smart Loading Zones
Smart loading zones (V2I): Hamburg is going to implement the digital product that gives logistics companies transparency about available loading zones and the chance to book them in advance.
Innovation and relevance within ASAP: By implementing smart loading zones, loading zones can be used more efficiently, as users can coordinate better The misuse of loading zones for other parking purposes leads to e.g. congestion due to double parking and smart loading zones are aiming to prevent that. Read more: Hamburg | Smart Loading Zones (SmaLa)
Innovation and relevance within ASAP: By implementing smart loading zones, loading zones can be used more efficiently, as users can coordinate better The misuse of loading zones for other parking purposes leads to e.g. congestion due to double parking and smart loading zones are aiming to prevent that. Read more: Hamburg | Smart Loading Zones (SmaLa)
Hamburg | Single User Micro Depots
Single-User Micro-Depots and cargo bikes: Hamburg has implemented micro-depots for the transfer of goods from vans to cargo bikes
Innovation and relevance within ASAP: Through setting up Micro-Depots in underused infrastructures (e.g. parking garages) it is explored which buildings are suitable. Additionally, the requirements for cargo bike infrastructure for delivery purposes will be explored. Read more: Hamburg | Multi-User Microdepot
Innovation and relevance within ASAP: Through setting up Micro-Depots in underused infrastructures (e.g. parking garages) it is explored which buildings are suitable. Additionally, the requirements for cargo bike infrastructure for delivery purposes will be explored. Read more: Hamburg | Multi-User Microdepot
Hamburg | Delivery Robot
Parcel robot (Starship/Hermes): Hamburg is carrying out a testbed for last-mile-delivery with parcel robots.
Innovation and relevance within ASAP: With the parcel robot, deliveries can be made unaccompanied. Transportation by parcel robots shows, how motorised transport, bikes, pedestrians, and autonomous robots can share infrastructure and interact. Read more: Hamburg | Starship
Innovation and relevance within ASAP: With the parcel robot, deliveries can be made unaccompanied. Transportation by parcel robots shows, how motorised transport, bikes, pedestrians, and autonomous robots can share infrastructure and interact. Read more: Hamburg | Starship
Hamburg | Automated Driving
TAVF test track for Automated and Connected Driving: Hamburg implemented a TAVF test track for automated and connected Driving and allows trucks to make of GLOSA.
Innovation and relevance within ASAP: By automatizing and connecting transport vehicles, congestion and emission are sought to be reduced.
Innovation and relevance within ASAP: By automatizing and connecting transport vehicles, congestion and emission are sought to be reduced.
Stockholm | Combined Delivery and Disposal
Combined goods delivery and waste disposal: Älskade stad (“Beloved City”) is a unique initiative in Stockholm. Ragn-Sells (recycling compagny), Bring (deliveries) and Vasakronan (propriety company) have together created a collaboration for combined goods delivery and waste disposal.
Innovation and relevance within ASAP: The basis for Älskade stad was a strategic plan for better delivery traffic in Stockholm. The collective distribution centre offers a flow optimisation for trucks delivering goods and collecting waste. The initiative is now an established partnership in many cities in Sweden, resulting in reduced road traffic, CO2 emissions, noise and costs. Read more: Stockholm | Älskade stad
Innovation and relevance within ASAP: The basis for Älskade stad was a strategic plan for better delivery traffic in Stockholm. The collective distribution centre offers a flow optimisation for trucks delivering goods and collecting waste. The initiative is now an established partnership in many cities in Sweden, resulting in reduced road traffic, CO2 emissions, noise and costs. Read more: Stockholm | Älskade stad
Stockholm | Night Time Logistics
Night-time logistics of groceries: McDonald’s restaurants and Lidl branches in central Stockholm receive off-peak, clean and silent night-time deliveries.
Innovation and relevance within ASAP: In recent years, Stockholm has worked to overcome barriers to night deliveries by facilitating tests of vehicles using electric propulsion and alternative fuels, as well as geofencing techniques and other solutions to reduce noise from vehicles and unloading. The pilot was carried out within CIVITAS ECCENTRIC and further evaluation for replication and upscaling is required. Read more: Stockholm | Night time Logistics
Innovation and relevance within ASAP: In recent years, Stockholm has worked to overcome barriers to night deliveries by facilitating tests of vehicles using electric propulsion and alternative fuels, as well as geofencing techniques and other solutions to reduce noise from vehicles and unloading. The pilot was carried out within CIVITAS ECCENTRIC and further evaluation for replication and upscaling is required. Read more: Stockholm | Night time Logistics
Stockholm | Water Based Disposal
Barges for disposal of construction waste: In Stockholm barges are used to consolidate heavy mass from excavation projects instead of trucks.
Innovation and relevance within ASAP: Waterways for transportation of construction waste is highly underused and this pilot has demonstrated potential for shifting heavy tracks from road transport to barges. The pilot was carried out within CIVITAS ECCENTRIC and further evaluation for replication and upscaling is required. Read more: Stockholm | Construction Logistics
Innovation and relevance within ASAP: Waterways for transportation of construction waste is highly underused and this pilot has demonstrated potential for shifting heavy tracks from road transport to barges. The pilot was carried out within CIVITAS ECCENTRIC and further evaluation for replication and upscaling is required. Read more: Stockholm | Construction Logistics
Vienna | Micro Hub
Hubert - City hub: The innovative logistics service provided by the Port of Vienna enables a sustainable and efficient supply of goods to business and commercial enterprises of the City of Vienna by temporarily storing goods at a central goods transfer point, a so-called hub, and then delivering them using e-vehicles.
Innovation and relevance within ASAP: Especially under-used resources (off-peak deliveries for shop delivery) increase the benefit of the City Hub. The application of the ASAP SDG framework would allow to objectively track the success of Hubert – City Hub and justify future efforts of the city. Read more: Vienna | HUBERT
Innovation and relevance within ASAP: Especially under-used resources (off-peak deliveries for shop delivery) increase the benefit of the City Hub. The application of the ASAP SDG framework would allow to objectively track the success of Hubert – City Hub and justify future efforts of the city. Read more: Vienna | HUBERT
Vienna | Organic Food
Fine distribution in the delivery of organic food: Delivery of organic food in inner-city areas by means of cargo bikes. Transhipment of deliveries at currently idle and new resources (e.g., parking areas).
Innovation and relevance within ASAP: The use of idle and new infrastructure as transhipment and distribution points for inner-city delivery increases the potential use of cargo bikes at the last mile. Read more: Vienna | Organic
Innovation and relevance within ASAP: The use of idle and new infrastructure as transhipment and distribution points for inner-city delivery increases the potential use of cargo bikes at the last mile. Read more: Vienna | Organic
Vienna | RemiHub
RemiHub – last mile delivery: The research project RemiHub (agreed to share data) deals with the conception of public transport operating areas as logistics hubs. Large, centrally located areas for handling daily public transport operations could in future be used as temporary, urban logistics hubs for urban parcel delivery.
Innovation and relevance within ASAP: RemiHub could serve as a model for similar projects regarding idle public infrastructure at different cities. Read more: Vienna | RemiHub
Innovation and relevance within ASAP: RemiHub could serve as a model for similar projects regarding idle public infrastructure at different cities. Read more: Vienna | RemiHub
Stockholm | Dynamic Servicetimes
The aim is to test dynamic service times in order to investigate the legal, technical, usage behaviour and financial aspects of it. The efficiency of dynamic service times is analyzed compared with normal static service times. At the same time, tests of behavior and acceptance are carried out for various relevant target groups such as, for example, citizens and companies.
Innovation and relevance within ASAP: The purpose of the project is to develop a dynamic parking sign to enable a more efficient use of city space. Read more: Stockholm | Dynamic Servicetimes
Innovation and relevance within ASAP: The purpose of the project is to develop a dynamic parking sign to enable a more efficient use of city space. Read more: Stockholm | Dynamic Servicetimes