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University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria
h2 projekt.beratung KG, Austria
The University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna known too by its acronym “BOKU” sees itself as a teaching and research institution that focuses on renewable resources that are prerequisite for human existence. The Institute for Production and Logistics (BOKU-PWL) is part of the Department of Economics and Social Sciences. In accordance with the orientation of BOKU, the institute conducts problem-oriented and application-oriented research in the fields of transport logistics, material flow design, humanitarian logistics and environmentally compatible intermodal freight transport. The interdisciplinary atmosphere at the institute, extensive knowledge in the application of formal scientific and social scientific research methods, combined with many years of experience in cooperative research projects, make BOKU an important scientific partner and coordinator for the project.
Main Contact: Assoc. Prof. Mag. Dr. Patrick Hirsch patrick.hirsch(at) Project Management: Dr. Susanne Wrighton Susanne.wrighton(at) Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics , Germany
The Fraunhofer Gesellschaft is one of the leading organisations for applied research world-wide. The Fraunhofer-Institute for Material Flow and Logistics IML (Fraunhofer IML), located in Dortmund, is said to be a leader in the holistic logistics research and is working on all fields of internal and external logistics. Within the ASAP project two departments will participate, namely “Environment and Resource Logistics” and “Transportation Logistics”. For reasons of sustainability and environmental protection, the department “Environment and Resource Logistics“ is researching new or optimized forms of infrastructure and resources for sustainable supply and disposal solutions. Achieving environmental improvement and optimize mobility and resources capacities as sustainable as possible is the main tasks of the department. Relating to this, the department has great knowledge in evaluating the environmental impact of specific logistics solutions. The department of “Transportation Logistics” is focused on applied research in the field of urban as well as multimodal logistics and transportation network and possesses great experience in the implementation and its transport related evaluation of innovative urban and multimodal logistics solutions as well in the field of urban and transport related data examination.
Main Contact: Philipp Müller, M.Sc. philipp.mueller(at) Deputy: Dipl.-Oec. Dominika Dragon dominika.dragon(at) L'agence mobile de messagerie ecolologique, France
Specializing in last-mile challenges, FLUDIS (SAS, private enterprise) designs, develops, markets and operates innovative, low-carbon and competitive solutions for the urban logistics industries, through the promotion of the waterway. By contributing to the promotion of this infrastructure as a vector and opportunity for transport, storage, distribution and collection, FLUDIS wishes to contribute to the re-emergence of this axis for the mobility of goods in the city, by reducing the environmental and energy impact of its actors.
FLUDIS is launching a massive project for one of its clients, consisting in the supply by barge of 1000 pallets per day in Paris. Two barges, in rotation, will realise a massive entry of goods, 365 days per year, between the port of Gennevilliers and the centre of Paris. This system is part of the modal shift in urban logistics. With the barges, designed and fitted especially for the transport and the carry of this kind of urban containing, the project helps decarbonize the mobility of goods in Paris. This model is original and does not have any similar project worldwide. Main Contact: Gilles Manuelle gilles.manuelle(at) Deputy: Kevin Janin kevin.janin(at) STOCKHOLMS STAD - CITY OF STOCKHOLM, Sweden
The City of Stockholm is the main actor responsible for the transport system and for environment aspects of transport in the city. The Environment and Health Department and the Transport Department will carry out the work in Awaken Sleeping Assets Project.
The Environment and Health Department is responsible for citizens’ health and all environment issues in the City of Stockholm and comprises approximately of 200 employees. The Department is also responsible for the climate action planning as well as monitoring the implementation and the result of all climate actions undertaken in the city. The Environment and Health Department has long experience in EU-projects for sustainable urban mobility, clean fuels, vehicles and infrastructure and is highly experienced in managing demonstrations of technical solutions and business models, coordinating local partners, and ensuring delivery. The Transport Department (Trafikkontoret) oversees the city’s traffic system and ensures accessibility and a high level of road safety and comprises approximately 400 employees. Its mission is to make Stockholm a clean, attractive, and safe city for residents, visitors, and organisations. The Transport Department has the technical expertise in freight planning in collaboration with other city departments, authorities and the private sector and is responsible for strategic traffic planning. The Transport Department has experience in EU-projects for sustainable urban mobility. Main Contact: Paul Fenton paul.fenton(at) Deputy: Victoria Herslöf victoria.herslof(at) |
h2 projekt.beratung (h2pro) has been founded in Vienna in 2005 and provides consulting and research and development in the fields of logistics, transport and traffic, supply chain and production management. Founder and managing partner is Mag. Hans Häuslmayer. In November 2007 the project chain SimConT won the Austrian State Award "Environmentally Friendly Transport", awarded by the Austrian Ministry of Transport. The company was actively involved in the development of the urban mobility laboratory thinkport VIENNA and has in-depth knowledge of urban logistics innovations and its organisational structures and business cases.
Main Contact: Mag. Hans Häuslmayer office(at) Deputy: Mag. Martin Posset mcp(at) FREIE UND HANSESTADT HAMBURG BEHÖRDE FÜR WIRTSCHAFT, VERKEHR UND INNOVATION (BWVI) – LOGISTICS DIVISION, Germany
As Germany’s second largest city Hamburg must deal with mobility needs and traffic flows that are subject to great dynamics. One of the greatest challenges is the change towards more sustainable metropolitan logistics. Due to the continuously strong e-commerce sector, parcel volumes are expected to rise, and, in connection, delivery traffic will significantly increase. While emissions can, in principle, be reduced to a very large extent by using vehicles with alternative drive systems, this by no means solves the second problem of urban transport. The demand for public space by motorised transport has reached dimensions that can only be satisfied if other uses are curtailed, and other means of transport are slowed down in their development. In this respect, the efforts to equip the same vehicles only with low-emission engines are not sufficient for a sustainable city. Rather, concepts must be developed with which transport can be handled more efficiently and with adapted vehicle sizes.
Main Contact: Melina Pusch melina.pusch(at) Deputy: Dr. Nadja Hammami nadja.hammami(at) Association pour la Recherche et le Developement des Methodes et Processus Industriels - Centre de Gestion Scientifique, France
Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris (MINES ParisTech), founded in 1783, is one of the oldest French higher education institutions in engineering. The aim is for academic excellence with 286 research professors, 100 thesis and 400 articles or books in key research fields published every year. The school is a leader in many areas, among which five major fields: 1/ Earth sciences and the environment, 2/ Energy and process engineering, 3/ Mechanical engineering and materials, 4/ Mathematics and systems and, 5/ Economics, management and society. With 15 research centres, joint research units with ARMINES extending over five different fields. Its major research themes are essentially based on problems raised by industry, including MITAL, EDF, TOTAL, RENAULT, PSA, SAFRAN, SNECMA, GDF and SAINT-GOBAIN. MINES ParisTech is also member of Université PSL (Paris Sciences & Lettres).
Main Contact: Prof. Dr. Eric Ballot eric.ballot(at) Deputy: Assoc. Pror. Dr. Shenle Pan shenle.pan(at) ORANGE, France
Orange is one of the world’s leading telecommunications operators with sales of 42 billion euros in 2019 and 147,000 employees worldwide on 31 December 2019, including 87,000 employees in France. The Group has a total customer base of 266 million customers worldwide on 31 December 2019, including 207 million mobile customers and 21million fixed broadband customers.
Main Contact: Philippe Raipin Parvedy philippe.raipin(at) Deputy: Thomas Hassan thomas.hassan(at) STOCKHOLM VATTEN OCH AVFALL AB, Sweden
Stockholm Vatten och Avfall AB (SVOA), City of Stockholm subsidiary company, non-profit driven, is Sweden's largest water and waste management company. Its business affects 1.5 million residents and businesses in and around Stockholm. SVOA provides drinking water, treats the wastewater and is responsible for the waste disposal in the city of Stockholm. SVOA strives to meet current and future residents' needs by making long-term decisions that comply with environmental requirements and with a sustainable cycle in focus.
Main Contact: Lena Youhanan lena.youhanan(at) |